Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It's NOT a Multiple Choice World

I don't know what a typical day looks like in your job, but I spend a considerable amount of time making and defending decisions based on current research and information. I have to read and process complex text in my discipline, distill the information to the key concepts, and apply it to our district and our students.  There are days I wish I could bubble a circle and move on.
Not surprisingly, employers in our city and state, as well as those across the country have noted the importance of critical thinking and problem solving.  Forbes magazine recently listed the top ten skills that employers are seeking.  The list is similar to those put together by higher education.
1. Ability to work in a team
2. Ability to make decisions and solve problems
3. Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work
4. Ability to communicate verbally with people inside and outside an organization
5. Ability to obtain and process information
6. Ability to analyze quantitative data
7. Technical knowledge related to the job
8. Proficiency with computer software programs
9. Ability to create and/or edit written reports
10. Ability to sell and influence others
To prepare students to meet these demands schools must be sure that they consistently provide ALL students with learning opportunities that mirror authentic tasks.
Springfield Public Schools has been working to embed these learning experiences into our adopted curriculum.  Teacher teams select aligned materials, draft document based questions that require the use of higher order thinking skills, create common rubrics to score student work, and discuss student work together in professional learning communities or whole faculty study groups.  SPS utilized these rich learning opportunities prior to Missouri's formal adoption of the Missouri Learning Standards.  Teacher teams led this work based on their "up close and personal" view at the classroom level.  Our teachers have known for a long time that we don't live in a multiple choice world and have responded to the challenge of preparing students for THEIR futures.

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